for the first time in it's entirety, I'm left with
the uneasy feeling that we've tipped over the top.
That there can now be no turning back.
That even if we were to stop all green house
gases and all atmospheric pollution immediately,
We have passed the tipping point and therefore,
the polar ice masses will continue to melt and the
oceans will warm and we'll shortly be confronted
with all the ensuant consequences of our neglect.
However, What if Al is Wrong?
What if the science is wrong?
What if these are all cyclical occurrences
over which we really have no control?
Can we be righteous and breath a sigh of relief?
Or, are we simply doomed to settle in and
watch the end of our civilization?
For the sake of my family and myself,
I feel I have no choice but to continue
visualizing positive outcomes in my life
and that of our planet...for now.
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