My Random Thoughts

Tuesday, October 27, 2015


I recently had an essentially spiritual experience at Our Lady of New CLAIRVAUX abbey in the tiny town of Vina in Northern California.

It is a very special and tranquil place. The Town of Vina is a true gem! Some of the stones used in the building date back to1150 ad. From an old Trappist monk monastery in Madrid, Spain.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015


Except when I momentarily lapse and begin  to think "...holy shit...these people can't seem to see past their nose..."

How is it that Man can land on the moon,
Find a cure for polio, create mind numbing
Technology...and yet on the social level many people seem to be having a rather difficult time getting past the 19th century!

Monday, October 05, 2015

Cottonwood Eatery

A step back in time in the town of Cottonwood in Northern California.
Is it quaint? Is it charming? Maybe
Is it small and quiet? Definitely!
Surrounding ranches are sublime...whether  you like horses or not.
Simply intoxicating tranquility.

Is it Time to escape from Frantic?

Friday, October 02, 2015

On Bart

Riding Bart in The City on a beautiful Fall day in the Bay Area. Train getting crowded...but so is the planet!