My Random Thoughts

Saturday, January 23, 2016


On a blustery Saturday in San Francisco, I'm sitting in Twitter 's world headquarters in SF having coffee in the lobby cafe.
Emersing myself in Twitterati  talk...suxh as it is for a Saturday...Twitter techies talking trash and tech...far beyond my ability to comprehend.
Although I use T...I don't pretend to know a thing about how it actually works.
Meanwhile, a few people come and go mostly noticeable by their self talk. I'm practicing being here now...been here over an hour...and a quick thought is that San Francisco suits me just fine! Pock marks and all!  Someday,

Wednesday, January 06, 2016

So North Korea Drops A Hydrogen Bomb!

Not content with being able to defend wants  to enter the "we can destroy the world" club.
More people, more Hydrogen bombs I say!
Wonder if this will merit the advancement of the "Doomsday Clock"!

Saturday, January 02, 2016

So, we made it to 2016!!! we go in 2016...

In which white guys with guns take over a  federal building in Burns, Oregon and demand things.